Water getting into your basement can lead to dampness or mold growth. And that can have serious repercussions that might affect the health of your household. And that is why waterproofing services do come in handy. You can bring on board an experienced waterproofing service provider to do the job on your behalf.

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You can undertake the waterproofing exercises as a DIY project. How do you proceed?

Of course, there are steps that you must follow when undertaking waterproofing. The project can only take 3.5 minutes. The first step is dust suppression. There is a special machine that is used to do this exercise. The next step will be making the engineering tabs. The tabs stabilize the foundation by keeping your concrete slabs up against the basement walls. Once that is done, it is time to add pitched pipe and stone. This is to help in directing water in a manner that will prevent it from seeping into your sitting room.

You can now proceed to install the first sump pump. The sump will be crucial in moving water out of the tank or pit and away from the building. It helps in sealing and insulating your basement. After installing the sump pump, it is time to drill the weep holes at the bottom row of cement blocks to help drain water that might have infiltrated them. The pressure on the foundation walls is alleviated.


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